Adverbs. Types Of Adverbs In English


Adverbs are words that modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or even a whole sentence.

*Here are some examples (the adverb is in bold and what it modifies is underlined):

Types Of Adverbs In English

There are several types of adverbs in English, including:

Adverbs Of Manner:

These adverbs describe how something is done

Examples: quickly, slowly, happily, angrily, and carefully.

She danced beautifully.

She drived carefully along the river.

Adverbs Of Place:

These adverbs describe where something is done or located

Examples: here, there, nearby, outside, and inside.

They came and cooked here.

My mom went to dinner yesterday, to an amazing restaurant.

I live nearby.

Adverbs Of Time:

These adverbs describe when something happens

Examples: yesterday, today, tomorrow, early, and late.

He is leaving today.

Adverbs Of Frequency:

These adverbs show how often something happens

Examples: always, never, often, rarely, and sometimes.

She always eats at that restaurant in the center of Rome.

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