no article

Use no article

We do not use an article before plural or uncountable nouns to talk about something in general.

  • I don’t drink milk.
  • Women drive more cautiously than men.


  • I love music. 
  • I loved the music at the party. 
  • Children are often difficult. 
  • They are a nice family. The children are very funny.


We do not use an article before the names of meals: breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

  • Dinner is served at 8.
  • I always have breakfast with my children.

Years, months and days

We do not use an article before names of years, months and days of the week.

  • Friday is my favourite day of the week.
  • I think 2020 will be an excellent year.


We do not use an article with TV (when used as a broadcasting service, NOT as an appliance)

  • I saw it on TV.
  • I don’t watch TV.

Turn off the TV. I’ve bought a new TV.

Names of languages and school subjects

We do not use an article before the names of languages and school subjects.

  • He doesn’t speak English.
  • I study biology. 

Next, last

We do not use an article before next and last + time expression (when they mean before or after now).

  • The meeting is next Thursday.
  • I saw him last week.

  • Last year we spent one week in London.
  • We really loved London. The last day we were really sad. 
  • What a fantastic idea!
  • Yesterday was such a horrible day!
  • This is such a difficult problem!
  • Thanks, you are such a good friend.

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