Section summary

The English past simple tense is versatile, covering various types of actions and states in the past:

  • Completed Actions: Ate dinner at 6 pm yesterday. Closed the window because it was cold.
  • Past States: Was really happy at school. Lived in Barcelona when 21.
  • Past Habits or Routines: Ate pizza every Friday in the past. Went to school on the train daily.

When constructing sentences in past simple, consider the following structures:

  • Affirmative (Positive): Subject + verb (past simple)
  • Negative: Subject + did not + verb (infinitive)
  • Question (Interrogative): Did + subject + verb (infinitive)

Regular verbs in past simple are formed by adding "-ed" to the infinitive:

  • Regular Verbs: Play - played, Need - needed, Dance - danced

Irregular verbs in past simple have unique forms that need to be memorized:

  • Irregular Verbs: Buy - bought, Run - ran, Eat - ate, etc.

Pronunciation of regular past simple verbs can vary, falling into three categories:

  1. /t/ - walked, placed, jumped
  2. /d/ - played, called, cried
  3. /ɪd/ - wanted, waited, crowded

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