Article THE

Use the

Second mention

We use the when we mention something for the second time.

  • A man and a woman sat in front of me. The man was British, but I think the woman wasn’t.

Specific things

We use the to talk about specific things or people –when it’s clear which things or people we are talking about.

  • ‘Where are the kids?’ ‘They’re in the garden.’ (=We know which kids and which garden.)
  • Can you open the door? (=We know which door.)

Common places in town

With places in a town where we commonly go (the park, the cinema, the doctor, etc.)

  • I’m going to the bank.
  • I found Peter at the station.
  • I’m at the library.


We use the before superlative adjectives.

  • This is the best restaurant in town.

Musical instruments

We use the before names of musical instruments.

  • Margaret plays the guitar and I play the flute. 

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